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Nicole Marie White is a Certified Professional Midwife (CPM) and activist. For more than a decade, Nicole has caught babies in a variety of settings, in various cities, and in several languages around the world. She believes that spreading the Midwifery Model of Care is the best way to address the high maternal and infant mortality rates locally and globally. Nicole’s passion is to train more Midwives. She has worked in Haiti and in Uganda collaborating with Traditional and local Midwives. In 2012 she received a fellowship in the city of Detroit to work on public policy surrounding the inequitable rate of African American maternal and infant mortality, reflective of many of of the USA’s urban landscapes. Nicole currently practices in Michigan and is a member of the Board of Directors for Midwives Alliance of North America as the Director of Events, Michigan Midwives Association Board of Directors as well as on the Coalition to license Certified Professional Midwives in Michigan.